Sunday, June 15, 2014

Web 2.0 Tools based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Recently, I have explore so many Web 2.0 tools which have variety functions and features.  I reckon the best way to understand how these tools influence learning process is categorizing them and interpreting each group. However, people need time to digest new knowledge and be familiar with the new tools. Thus, after 4 week learning, I am very confused about why we need explore so many tools I might not use in the future.
Luckily, I found a good resource about using Bloom's Taxonomy to explain every kind/group of Web 2.0 tools.

Web 2.0 Tools based on Bloom's Revised Digital Taxonomy

  1. GLOGSTER [create online interactive posters]
    EDU GLOGSTER for school use -
    Glogster tutorial created in Slideshare:
    SchoolTube video, Mrs. Johnson Glogster tutorial 
  3. PROTAGONIZE -[read/write stories]
  4. PREZI [for presentations, a change from PowerPoints] www.prezi.comSchoolTube video tutorial:
  5. WIKISPACES [collaborative contributions] -
POWER WORDS: adopt, arrange, collect, combine, compile, compose, connect, construct, coordinate, create, design, develop, elaborate, establish, explain, formulate, frame, gather, generate, graph, imagine, incorporate, integrate, interact, invent, judge, make, model, organize, plan, portray, product, publish, rearrange, refine, reorganize, revise, rewrite, summarize, synthesize, test, write
  1. NOTA - [whiteboard wiki/mashup]
    Example of student work:
  2. SURVEYMONKEY - [survey maker] 
  3. RUBISTAR - [rubric maker]
  4. iRUBRIC - [rubric maker]
  5. RCAMPUS -  (confirmation email did not come through to district email account; may need to register with home email and later click to verify account)
  6. YOUTUBE [or SCHOOLTUBE] - or 
POWER WORDS: assess, choose, compare, conclude, consider, construct, contrast, critique, debase, defind, determine, estimate, evaluate, explain, interpret, justify, prioritize, prove, recommend, relate, sulect, summarize, support, test, verify
    [create thinking guides, analyze, look at different perspectives]
    video tour:
  2. CREATE A GRAPH - no username/password required for use
  3. 10 x 10 -[Ten by Ten - interactive words and pictures that define a time, 2004-2011]
    no username/password required for use; no editors/regulation, based on news feeds]
POWER WORDS: analyze, ask, classify, compare, contrast, correlate, diagram, differentiate, documnet, edit, examine, explain, group, identify, infer, monitor, observe,
order, outline, reason, review, select, sequence, sort, survey
  1. GLIFFY -
  3. GO TO WEB 20 -
POWER WORDS:adapt, choose, construct, determine, develop, draw, illustrate, modify, organize, practice, predict, present, produce, select, show, sketch, solve, respond
  1. BUBBL.US -
  2. FOOTNOTE [must be over age 13] -
    [watch and understand]
POWER WORDS: compare, conclude, contrast, define, demonstrate, describe,
estimate, explain, identify, interpret, paraphrase, predict, retell, rewrite,
summarize, understand
  1. CREATELY [diagramming tool - must be aged 13 or older] -
    video: Creately in 3 Minutes
    Creately Tour - click Try Creately Without Registering
  2. ZOHO  [documents, spreadsheets, presentations] -
  3. DEL.ICIO.US [social bookmarking site] - 
  4. FLICKR [photo sharing/mapping site] -
POWER WORDS: count, define, describe, find, identify, label, list, locate,
match, name, outline, point to, select, show, state, study, tell, underline,
what, when, where, which, who, why, write

Although it not contain every tool we have discussed during the last five weeks, it did have provide me a new concept to reconsider each tool..  

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